
Hello, my name is Muz, and I’ve been involved in various forms of artistic expression since the mid 1990’s. From traditional forms of illustration, drawing, and painting, to computer-based information architecture and creative coding.

In 2010, I set my focus on web design and development which I had been doing part time since 1997. The idea of creating human-centric multimedia experiences was intriguing and I wanted to be involved.

The muzKore website is designed to showcase some of the different projects and artistic outlets that I’ve been a part of recently and some that go back a bit but are worth including. I invite you to take a look around and say hey on the contact page.

Stepping back

Let me give you a little bit of background about myself. I’ve been passionate about art and design even before I knew what art and design were. I found myself always on the lookout for fresh textures, creative typography, and well-proportioned layouts (again before I knew what a layout was). 

The name “muzKore” is an ambiguous description of my true identity. “Muz” is a nickname, and “Kore” is a slight twist on “core,” being “the center of.” 

My love for art started in the mid-1980s, and it’s been a way for me to express myself ever since. Whether it’s recognisable or abstract, art has always been a means to finding answers to what’s happening around me. In the early 1990s, I was heavily involved in Melbourne’s graffiti scene. My interests in illustration were already materialising, so graffiti and aerosol art became a natural extension of that. However, my interest in solo expression moved me more towards painting with paint brushes. At the time, mixing aerosol with paint brushes was seen as not cool in the scene, so I decided to move away from people and influences which I perceived to be restrictive.

By the late 1990s, my love for drawing was in full swing, and I was filling sketchbooks and giving away canvases as I was running out of room. Unfortunately, a fire at a friend’s place destroyed most of my early work, which forced me to search for a fresh vision.

The Internet

In 1997, I was introduced to Bulletin Boards (pre-mainstream World Wide Web), and by 1997, I had my first email account and was experimenting with HTML and digital image manipulation. The idea of creating art with code and pixels fascinated me. Each line was a brush stroke, and what was even more amazing was the ability to share my work with people right across the globe. I was hooked.

Getting serious

In 2000, I decided to turn my attention to Information Technology (IT) and enrolled in a Cert IV of IT at Epping TAFE. It was one of the best moves I could ever make. Not only was this the start of my IT education, but also a start to networking and friends that I still have to this day. Within two years, I had completed my IT Diploma and started working freelance and contract jobs in web design and development.

In 2004, I began a course in small business management, and in 2007, I started teaching multimedia at RMIT TAFE. This was a learning experience, and it was great getting to know staff members who were specialists in Graphic Design, Printing, Photography, and more. I was in awe of how deep the knowledge was in each of these people. I listened intently to their lessons when possible and also sought their guidance. During my time there, my interests broadened, and my appreciation for print and paper craft started.

Finding my feet

By 2012, my desire to return to the workforce took hold, and I returned to freelance web design, website consultancy, User Experience (UX), and User Interface (UI) planning. In 2014, I decided to start a small business called FutureStorm with my amazing wife Andrea, and together, we worked with businesses mostly in Australia and sometimes internationally in creating great desktop and screen-based experiences for our clients.

In 2018-19, I decided to close my small business and sub-roles in other associated businesses and continued freelancing remotely. Running a small business helped me gain a better appreciation of what it takes to keep yourself current and competitive in the art world. My deepest respects go to those people striving to create art no matter what the cost.

With the pandemic lockdowns turning 2020-21 into very unstable times, my business was not sustainable so I returned to working for another company. 

Back to now

I’m still working for a company doing web design, tech support and web analytics. The exponential speed that the world is moving at can be a bit daunting and I’m fortunate to work with good people, meet good people online and have had the opportunity to be part of some amazing online communities. Ther is always something new to learn and luckily, I like learning and embrace change pretty easily.

Well, that is it for now. Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey, and I hope you find inspiration in my work. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to connect.


Lastly, I almost forgot to mention my love of square-format photography. I’ve been posting some of my work on my Vero feed on the homepage or on Vero, so make sure to check it out!

Currently Spinning

See something interesting, click for more info.

Welcome To Earth
Apoptygma Berzerk
Welcome To Earth
Apoptygma Berzerk
Album cover or Mosiac ffeaturing a stained glass window of earthy brown tones. A blue circle of th world with the Theocracy logo in the centre.
Image of a illustrated bird flying down to earth.
The Blueprint Dives
The Blueprint Dives
Quality Control
Jurassic 5
Quality Control
Jurassic 5
Unusual Cosmic Process - Atlantis (2022)
Unusual Cosmic Process
Unusual Cosmic Process
Course of a Generation
Course of a Generation
Lungs of Life
Lungs of Life
Johnny Q. Public
Johnny Q. Public
This Is All We Know
Number One Gun
This Is All We Know
Number One Gun
Solar Fields - Formations album cover of a mist forest
Solar Fields
Solar Fields
Color Decay
The Devil Wears Prada
Color Decay
The Devil Wears Prada
Blank Book
Blank Book
Children of the Great Extinction
Becoming the Archetype
Children of the Great Extinction
Becoming the Archetype
Album cover for Iridescent by Silent Planet featuring a figure draped in cloth amongst a tunnel of iridescent light beams.
Silent Planet
Silent Planet